Friday, April 12, 2013

Blog on Goanimate

I think it's pretty cool that you can make your own cartoon from scratch. It allows you to go from typing words to having your characters actually talk. I just wish it would let you transition from scene to scene.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Go animate


I only wish i had the brains to complete the progamming it takes to make the apps he was able to produce. And to take it from concept to reallity and then market and sell it to the public while having no expeirience what so ever in any of those fields while still in highschool. It usually takes a whole team of people to do that. He truely is a genius in every sense of the word.

My thoughts on lightsaber

I actually liked the lightsaber project. It was pretty cool to make myself into a sith lord. I just wonder if that is how they make the lightsabers in the movies because that would be hard to have to work on every frame of the movie that has a lightsaber in it.